Monday 17 June 2013

Life Without Facebook - Part II


As I pressed the publish button for Life Without Facebook, words flew through my mind - words I had hoped to write! My fault, shouldn't have taken so long to write the blog!!

The thoughts were finally lost when I made my astral journey to Perth recently. Only way I could attend the Biggest Vintage Afternoon Tea Party for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, with my favourite food blogger Peggy, of Cake Crumbs and Beach Sand. 

I am trying to ignore the fact that Bracken is losing weight. She is eating well, 'posh cans', and not drinking more than usual. Having had other cats plus the Kattery's visiting felines, I know a fair amount of what could be happening, but am trying to ignore it. Why? because I do not want to lose my lovely here.* I know when she goes to the Rainbow Bridge and I have recovered from my loss, a tabby female kitten is coming to live with me - Thyme - but I don't want to lose Bracken. Inevitably I shall have to say goodbye, and that is going to be so very, very hard. There will be a bonus, though, in that Thyme is not going to be allowed to go outside! It isn't necessary but impossible to do with Bracken - has been used to going outside throughout the day because the other cats here did, as an only cat there will be no interest for Thyme in going outside. And Bracken is a strong-willed cat, VERY noisy with it, so no chance of her becoming an indoor cat. Even Mrs Blackbird yelling at her isn't going to make her stay indoors; the noise is so loud that I would love to close the door all day! [*= The Runt of the Litter, just in case the link doesn't work!!]

Life Without Facebook would be a big drawback when it is time for Bracken to leave, as I know the Oz Bloggers I support will be there for me - for which I thank you in advance. I have never had children, but cats aren't a substitute - just recipients of love and attention not spent anywhere else, unconditional love going both ways. Hopefully Thyme won't have to check all the food I eat - Bracken liked avocado over the weekend! Let her smell a small piece which she decided to consume, luckily I don't have them regularly.

Bracken aka Little Flirt
Enjoying the sun
With past cats I have been able to grieve their passing beforehand, hopefully the same will happen here, although Bracken may stay alive until late this year/early 2014.. I haven't been cat-less for over 25 years, it is going to be peculiar to be alone for any length of time. Even though I know Thyme is coming, I don't know where from.

I didn't mean this blog to be about 'me and my cat', but think it was meant to be - writing from the heart!! Thank you very much for reading to the end. Virginia