Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Life Begins at

Life begins at 63 years and almost 3 months of Age!!

For several months I had a desire growing in my mind that I would like to be a Blogger! Accidentally - as accidentally as things can be - found myself on a form to set up a blogging account. Did I think twice? No! Quick brainwave on the name and [dreaded] password, filled in all parts but then a question  about having the account come straight up when logging onto Facebook or an alternative choice. What are they talking about? Every time I tried one of the options was sent back up to password. Left the form and went back to my Timeline where, of course, I passed a message on to Techie Mum for help. As one does when totally clueless!

The following morning, light dawned - the password choice wasn't accepted! Why can they not say that?? Decided to wait until I knew more about what I was doing to try again. Which meant Techie Mum could download lots of helpful advice, which was read and better read. Aha! Need to get the email account on a different browser - all the messing around had caused problems on my mobile's account!

This extra time has meant the original name had to be replaced as it wasn't quite right, devised another password and worked out my About : This and that and a Pussycat! Also prepared some blogs, which was very useful as I'm currently experiencing writer's block!!

The first blog almost wrote itself - Gratitude Greetings
 - see http://www.kopskattery.blogspot.com/2013/04/23/gratitude greetings 
I still owe all those mentioned big time! Especially Techie Mum for marvelous headings! Need to send her a container of best quality champagne!!!

Once I had a few more blogs written, I decided to have a mini launch to see if people liked my work. No adverse comments, so need to get prepared for the link. Comments needed verification, so have hopefully sorted that so any comments don't have to go through the ordeal of proving they are not robots.

On Sunday, 5 May, I was supposed to be arrange the Facebook link to get my blog out into the blogosphere. I Flunked it, was worried I'd have no support and would never have more stories to tell. Luckily at 1 pm UK time yesterday, I decided the time had come to launch Kop's Kattery - it was so easy I was embarrassed that I had left it so long!

If you know a blogger who may be interested in what I write, please pass my details on. Thank you very, very much.

Techie Mum's hard work to have a header which really appealed to me, using a photo I supplied as  the basic idea.

New header, bearing in mind the 20% rule. Then we lost the words to fit in with some writing on the blog page. I love them all - so difficult to choose!!


  1. I like both headers too! It was a big learning curve for me too! But soon you will get the hang of it in no time xx

    1. Thank you, Elisa. Getting the info right when advertising blog is tricky! Getting there, albeit slowly! x x x
