Friday, 10 January 2014


My name is Bracken, I am a cat who has lived here for nearly 16 years - nearly 112 in cat years! Since the beginning of my life here, I have demonstrated that I understand a lot of what is said to me, have routines I love and regularly practice Nurture Over Nature! 

As I arrived here with my brother, Juniper, and made friends with two older cats, Gem and Shushu, it was obvious that shouting our names to get our attention and come in from the garden, or come downstairs, would take too much time and be too noisy. So, my Human developed a whistle which clearly told all of us we are wanted. Now I am an 'only cat' it is still the best method of gaining my attention! Cats are natural hunters, but when my Human sees me preparing to chase a bird  she shouts 'NO, Bracken, NO' - and I obediently leave the bird to its own devices.

However, I have been known to bring some wildlife indoors - to play with! I am well fed, so don't need to eat birds or mice. In the past I have caught butterflies and ate them, Juniper used to catch them too, but didn't eat thems so I had a treat! Nearly every time I go out my Human tells me not to bring in any birds, anything else alive - except for myself, of course. She recently had to add 'nothing else at all' as I came in with a discarded cooked chicken leg!

There is a hedge nearby where blackbirds and other birds have nests, and I used to lie in the garden regularly, just watching the comings and goings. Was in trouble over a year ago as I caught one of the fledglings, but I willingly gave it to my Human. Sadly it died of shock. I had been good for many months so my Human hadn't warned me about catching creatures. Now she tells me at least once a day - better to be safe than sorry!! Sadly, the hedge is going to be removed some time this year.

Last year I was diagnosed with arthritis and have to take medicine every day. As it doesn't have an odour to it, it is generally put on some cat pate and the taste is quite nice - sweet! Unfortunately my Human ran out of my pate and couldn't go to the shop which sells it [due to her arthritis and other problems], so added it into my cat milk. Which had worked well before the pate was originally discovered, but I wasn't drinking it all quickly and just kept going back and forth for a little drink. On Wednesday she removed the cat milk and told me that she was going to the shop after lunch and would be buying pate, so I could have a little amount of medicine in it when she got back. Returning fully laden, she chased me into the house - I'd love to go out the back door, but only allowed if I am in my carrier! There are different places in our lounge where food, milk, biscuits and treats are placed, so I went to the part where I mainly get treats - unfortunately I couldn't wait patiently, so went into the kitchen and told my Human in loud tones that I wanted it NOW! One of my nicknames is 'NatteryBrack'! 

I don't have any experience with dogs, so cannot speak for them but - CATS ARE NOT DUMB ANIMALS!!!

Written for Bracken
Kop's Kattery member
Virginia Kop
10 January 2014

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