Thursday, 25 July 2013

Life Before The Kattery!

Before I returned to live in my home town, I had lived in a rented flat in London, where I was allowed to have numerous cats as long as other tenants didn't object.

The first one I acquired was  PIXIE, a large queen, black and white, who was very affectionate. Eventually she was joined by two other queens - PETRA and SHUSHU [named after Princess Shushila in MM Keyes book 'The Far Pavilions']. Petra was all black, whereas Shushu was a tabby/Burmese mix. The owner of Shushu's mother had been unable to spay her, so I was given the opportunity to adopt a kitten from the next litter - some grey and some black. Unfortunately the grey ones had abnormalities, so GEMMA, a black queen, came to join the feline family. And soon after PANDY, another black queen joined us, to be the last member of the family.

Unfortunately, Petra was unhappy with sharing the home with four cats, and showed her displeasure by weeing on carrier bags, magazines or other items on the floor. After discussions with friends who were also cat custodians, Petra went to live with a friend of theirs who ran a cat sanctuary in a flat. Funnily, Petra was very happy there - despite having to share with at least 20 other cats!

My Mum would often visit for a holiday, and one such time was very interesting. I had been to the pet store where I bought cat litter, and saw a new system which would cut down on time and mess. Based on a special tray with plastic pellets on top, meaning urine would go straight through yet solid stuff would stick on top of the pellets. Bought one tray and two bags of the pellets, removed the normal cat-litter tray and there were few problems through the remainder of the day. The next morning, before it was time to get up, I woke with an uncomfortable feeling behind me, and Pixie there as well. The cheeky cat didn't like the new system so she had wee'd on the bed between Mum and myself! Washing bedding, etc, and a frantic trip to the pet store, taking back unopened pack of pellets and having  our normal cat-lit delivered. A friend of a friend,  received the other parts. This episode came to mind after buying special cat-lit at the vets in order to retrieve urine for testing for my current cat, Bracken [24 July 2013].

Twenty years ago I realised that my arthritis no longer made travelling into London and then to Cambridge feasible, so had some very, very difficult choices to make, mainly about my cats. Moving into rented accommodation meant that I should be able to take two cats, so with a heavy heart I managed to have Pixie and Pandy re-homed. Shushu and Gemma, who took a lot of time to accept people, came up North with me. Initially we stayed with my parents, then we moved around for a few years before this house was offered to me to rent. That same year Juniper and Bracken came to live with us. The rest has already been recorded in The Tail of the Kattery!

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