Monday, 1 July 2013

Second Chances!

How things change very quickly!

Just a few days ago, I was convinced that I would be taking Bracken to the vets today and saying a very tearful 'Goodbye' to her. Then on Thursday morning I found she was very hot but, within an hour, her temperature was back to normal. From then on all she wants to do is eat and NOT the small cans we had changed to. But more than the pouches of wet meat she ate before.

Instead she wants a particular cat food - and is very pleased to have the same flavour all day!! That is a minor miracle as, until Bracken's change last week, no cats would ever do that!! In fact, she is eating more than she ever did before. Is my newly skinny cat going to pile the weight back on? Or, has she entered a new phase leading up to the end? Ah, if only I knew a vet personally so could get some answers! We shall go to the vets in the near future, but Bracken will return home with me. Thank goodness she doesn't seem ready to go to the Rainbow Bridge - yet. I am so happy that my lovable bossy-boots is staying around for however much  longer she is meant to be with me! 

Lasting just over 16 months longer than her brother so far, the runt is the strongest!!

She is back to normal when I take photos with my phone - posing like mad!


  1. Hi Virginia, thank goodness Bracken is ok. I had the same thing happen to our cat years ago - thought she was on her last legs but then back to life she came! Strange things cats!

    1. Yes, got positive feedback at the vets yesterday. Heart and lungs fine - not surprised at the lungs, she started screaming before we left the house and didn't stop until we went into the consulting room, good acoustics in the waiting area! The vet asked me to record certain events - guess who doesn't like that? She went outside when I tried it out! Luckily the vet knew how to do it on mobiles and showed me how. Prefers photos. Bracken has been posting lots recently, and even gives advice! Think I may be surplus to requirements soon!
